Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour and catchment sediment modelling: Development and application of the CLUES and Source-to-Sink models

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  • Published Date Mon 01 Dec 2014

The CLUES (Catchment Land Use for Environmental Sustainability) model has been used to estimate the present-day sediment load entering Porirua Harbour from the surrounding catchments. Concurrently, a ‘Source-to-Sink’ (S2S) model was developed to estimate where in the harbour incoming sediment would deposit and the subsequent rates of sedimentation. This report details the inner workings of these models as they were modified and developed for application to Porirua Harbour. It is anticipated that, with validation and further refinement, the CLUES and S2S models will ultimately be used as a tool to manage catchment sediment inputs and achieve the sedimentation targets envisioned by the Porirua Harbour and Catchment Strategy.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:06