Forest ecosystems of the Wellington Region

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Forest ecosystems of the Wellington Region preview
  • Published Date Sat 01 Dec 2018
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Forest ecosystem types in the Wellington region have been identified using a national ecosystem classification system developed by Nick Singers and Geoff Rogers. The historic extent of each of the forest types has been mapped on GIS and an assessment made of the remaining forest extent using Land Cover Database. Using the IUCN criteria for classifying threatened ecosystems, regional threat rankings were developed for all nineteen forest ecosystem types in the Wellington region. Seven regionally critically threatened (less than 10% remaining), three regionally endangered (less than 20% remaining) and one regionally vulnerable (less than 30% remaining) forest types were identified. This knowledge can be used to inform conservation actions, e.g. the Billion Trees project and Predator free 2050.

Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:30