Annual Coastal Water Quality Report for the Wellington Region

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This report summarises the results of the baseline coastal water quality monitoring undertaken by the Wellington Regional Council between 1st March 1999 and 29th February 2000. For the first time the results of the monitoring undertaken in the western region and the Wairarapa are presented in the same report which also includes the results of water quality monitoring undertaken by the territorial authorities.

Generally sites located near streams or stormwater outlets had the worst water quality within the Region. Faecal contaminants can be derived from any terrestrial sources and may enter streams and stormwater systems through surface runoff and direct discharges.

As a consequence, any measures taken to improve the quality of our Region’s coastal water should primarily focus upon enhancing the quality of the streams, rivers, and discharges from sewers and stormwater systems. To this end the Regional Council will be undertaking an intensive investigation of stormwater over the next two years.

Annual coastal reports are also available for the following years:
1998/99 (WRC/RINV-G-99/4)
1997/98 (WRC/RINV-G-98/4)

Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:24