Consents News 1999

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This brochure articles news from the Consent department (1999)including the following:

Charging policy review – As we promised last year the basis for charging this year, 1999/2000, remains the same.

Resource consent conditions appropriate – Resource consent conditions are fair, according to PriceWaterhouseCoopers. The Wellington Regional Council commissioned as audit of its resource consent conditions this year.

How good is compliance?

Region cleans up sewage – People will increasingly be enjoying much cleaner seas as improvements to sewage treatment and discharges are set under new resource consents.

Awards – The Wellington Regional Council’s performance in consent processing and compliance monitoring has been recognised externally through the presentation of two recent awards.

Land-based diary discharges preferred – Farmers are being encouraged to change their effluent disposal to land-based systems. Discharging to land avoids potentially high pollution into waterways and creates a fertiliser resource for pasture.

Swing mooring inspections required – Swing moorings for boats require resource consents. All swing mooring consents have a condition which requires that they are inspected annually and the results sent to the Regional Council.

Irrigation topic of study – How much water is needed for effluent irrigation? The Wellington Regional Council is undertaking a study to determine actual water needs in order to improve irrigation effectiveness and efficiency on the soils of the Wairarapa.

Low flows bring bans – Low river flows last summer and autumn meant water use restrictions. In some cases irrigation bans, were put in place across the region.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:30