Report on the 2016 Tertiary Student Travel survey

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Report on the 2016 Tertiary Student Travel survey preview
  • Published Date Fri 31 Mar 2017
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This report presents the results of the Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) online tertiary student travel survey conducted in October 2016. The purpose of the survey was to gather information on tertiary student travel in the Wellington region.

Specifically GWRC was interested in:

  • Frequency of student trips for the purpose of study, work or other activities
  • Which mode(s) were used for this travel
  • Frequency at specific time periods (peak1, off-peak and weekend)
  • Which ticket type was used for public transport trips and in which fare zones

The results of the survey will be used (with other data sources) to assess tertiary student travel as part of the GWRC public transport fare review currently underway.

Updated 10 March 2022 at 16:33