Wellington City Cycle Map 2024 | Ko te Mahere Pahikara o te Tāone o Pōneke 2024

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Wellington City Cycle Map 2024 | Ko te Mahere Pahikara o te Tāone o Pōneke 2024 preview
  • Published Date Fri 08 Mar 2024
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Bike network of the Greater Wellington region - Ko ngā ara Pahikara o Pōneke Nui Tonu

Please Note: On this map a yellow shared path that connects at its north end to the red dashed Mount Victoria off-road commuter route, is an off road shared path. At the south end it connects with Ellice Street and the Wellington East Girls school grounds. It doesn’t connect to the Mt Victoria Tunnel yellow shared path as this map shows.

Updated 29 August 2024 at 11:22