Mangaone Stream water quality follow-up investigation

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This investigation was conducted to identify and mitigate possible
sources of faecal contamination affecting the Mangaone Stream. A study
by Wills (1995) identified four possible sources as Walkers Drain, Powles
Drain, Swamp Road Domain and the Caboose Café and shops.

Mitigation of the sources was undertaken by asking the people involved to
follow recommendations set out in this document, and requirements set
out in their resource consents. Further action includes inspection of
mitigation works, continued surveillance of the Mangaone Stream and its
tributaries, and monitoring of resource consent compliance, Mangaone
Stream water quality, and Te Horo Beach coastal water quality.

This report outlines the objective, background, study area, methodology,
results and discussion and recommendations arising from this study.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:48