Response to LGOIMA request 2022-202 14 November 2022

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Response to LGOIMA request 2022-202 14 November 2022 preview
  • Published Date Fri 20 Jan 2023
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Request for information:

“Under the LGOIMA, I would like to request information regarding Metlink bus size allocation on past services.

I understand that metlink sets a category label for buses based on their size. I understand the classification of each size to be: SV - Small vehicle with a capacity of 30-53 passengers; MV - Medium Vehicle with a capacity of 54-74 Passengers; LV - Large Vehicle with a capacity of at least 75 passengers and 36 seats; DD - Double Decker with a capacity of at least 95 Passengers and 80 seats.

Provided my above definitions are correct, I would like to request the following information under the LGOIMA:

Bus size category bus used for each morning and afternoon service (since the start of this year, 2022) on the following MetLink Services: 627, 633, 634, 635 - By this, I mean I would like a list of the size category buses used for each morning and evening service since the start of this year.

The purpose of this information is to better understand the reasoning behind what I feel is inadequate service capacity of some of these services.

Under the LGOIMA, I understand I am eligible for a decision regarding this request within 20 working days.” 

Updated 20 January 2023 at 10:48