Response to LGOIMA request 2022-216 21 November 2022

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Response to LGOIMA request 2022-216 21 November 2022 preview
  • Published Date Fri 20 Jan 2023
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Request for information: 

"Under the Local Government Officia Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) I am requesting voting data at the individual voter level for the 2022 Wellington Regional Council election. 
Ideally I would like the data as ‘raw’ ie before removal of voting replication, voter errors, etc.

Please supply a csv delimited file or files, probably compressed (zipped), ordered as in the following example

voter id*    candidate id**   rank
1                482                    5
1                484                    1
1                485                    3
1                487                    2

1                498                    4
1                490                    6
1                491                    7
2                481                    2 
2                484                    1
2                488                    3
3                480                    4
3                482                    1
3                485                    5
3                487                    2
3                490                    3

*unique to an individual voter;
the voter id that is on each voting form or a simple sequential number viz (voter)1, voter(2) ... voter(last), as u ed in the above
** have used the numbers from the voting form"

Updated 20 January 2023 at 11:23