Response to LGOIMA request 2022-226 22 December 2022

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Response to LGOIMA request 2022-226 22 December 2022 preview
  • Published Date Fri 20 Jan 2023
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Request for information:

“I understand that the GWRC pays the Wellington City Council for the extra damage from running Metlink buses over city streets. I am intere ted in how this amount is calculated.

1) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of the ag eement with the WCC under which road damage by bus payments are being made?

2) Can the GWRC please prov de a cop of the payments made to the WCC for road damage by bus damage since July 2018?

3) Can the GWRC pl ase prov de a copy of the formula used to calculate the road damage by buses amount?

4) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of the actual calculations used to determine these road damage by bus p yment amounts to the WCC provided in 2)?

5) Can the GWRC please provide a copy of any independent report or review of the calculation formula or the calculated amounts paid to the WCC?

If any of the requested information is held in electronic form, it is preferred that it is provided in its complete and original electronic format. For the sake of clarity, it is also requested that information that the GWRC may deem to be out of scope is NOT removed from documents or
other information.”

Updated 20 January 2023 at 11:45