Response to LGOIMA request 2022-229 22 December 2022

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Response to LGOIMA request 2022-229 22 December 2022 preview
  • Published Date Fri 20 Jan 2023
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Request for information:

“MDC have published a draft district plan that includes 2 future urban zones (Cashmere Oaks and Chamberlain Rd, FUZ’s) that appear to be soil type LUC 2 or 3, which is generally not to be subdivided when it is zoned rural, as it is now. Submi sion on the draft are due by 6th Dec, possibly later as the local residents association has been granted a time extension.

GW recently submitted on Cashmer plan change in opposition due to it being rural zoned LUC 3 land, since the plan change the d aft plan was published with the Cashmere land as a FUZ.

My questions are: 

1) Will GW be making a submission in the draft plan? (even though this stage of consultation is “informal”). If yes can I ha e a copy asap? (LGOIMA) 

2) Will the new p an in respect of rural land being designated a FUZ be subject to the NPS-HPL? Or does the publ cat on of the draft plan in October, or any other prior plan/document mean the NPSHPL does not apply? 

3) When will the Regional Policy Statement be available? (if not already). 

4) Where can I obtain details of the LUC mapping (applicable to the district plan) for the Masterton district? (MDC told me a while back GW was still working on it)”

Updated 20 January 2023 at 12:11