Response to LGOIMA request 2022-238 22 December 2022

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Response to LGOIMA request 2022-238 22 December 2022 preview
  • Published Date Fri 20 Jan 2023
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Request for information: 

“Why does the Strathmore service have so many cancelled buses? 

I regularly get to the bus stop to find the sch duled service has been cancelled, and the next too, making it at least an hour between buses, Both into and back from the city 

It is important to note that catching another bus route is not an option as only the 12 actually goes up the hill into Strathmore 

Surely this service needs to be more reliable - can you please provide a detailed breakdown of cancelled buses on the Strathmore route over the past month.” 

Updated 20 January 2023 at 12:34