Soil quality monitoring 2022

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Soil quality monitoring 2022 preview
  • Published Date Tue 09 May 2023
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The Greater Wellington soil quality monitoring programme consists of approximately 100 monitoring sites on a range of soils across the region under different land uses. The frequency of sampling is dependent on the intensity of the land use; dairying, cropping and market garden sites are sampled every 3-4 years, dry stock, horticulture and exotic forestry sites are sampled every 5-7 years, while indigenous vegetation sites are sampled every 10 years. This years’ report summarises monitoring results for native vegetation sites. An interactive version can be accessed from the land monitoring page.

Reference: Greater Wellington (GW). 2022. Soil quality monitoring 2022.

Author/s: Greater Wellington.

Updated 9 May 2023 at 14:23