Response to LGOIMA request 2023-263 20 November 2023

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-263 20 November 2023 preview
  • Published Date Fri 09 Feb 2024
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Request for information: 

"Reasons for Park Hours Reduction:

  • What were the primary reasons for reducing the morning hours of access at Whitireia park? 
  • Have there been any budgetary or resource constraints that contributed to this decision? 
  • Were there specific concerns or issues that prompted this change? 

Consultation and Decision-Making Process: 

  • What steps were taken to consult with the community and gather input before reducing park hours? 
  • Who was involved in the decision-making process, and what criteria were used to make this decision? 
  • Were any public hearings or meetings held to discuss the proposed changes? 

Community Engagement: 

  • Please provide information on any surveys, public forums, or outreach initiatives that were conducted to gauge community opinions and needs related to park hours. 
  • What measures were taken to address the concerns and suggestions of the community during this process? 
  • How were the voices of underrepresented or marginalized groups within the community taken into account? 

Special Access Allocation: 

  • I am also interested in understanding the criteria and rationale behind the allocation of special access to only two or three residents. 
  • What process was followed to identify and allocate this special access, and were these decisions made transparently and equitably? 

I kindly request that you provide a written response to this inquiry to address the above questions and concerns. If any relevant documents, reports, or meeting minutes are available, please include them in your response."

Updated 9 February 2024 at 10:20