Response to LGOIMA request 2023-270 4 December 2023

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Response to LGOIMA request 2023-270 4 December 2023 preview
  • Published Date Fri 09 Feb 2024
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Request for information: 

"This follows on from your response to [redacted] LGOIMA request 2023-257 that he has shared with me. I refer to it in the following request. 

  • Can you supply all analysis and report you hold on the costs and benefits of increasing the 290 route frequency in July 2022? 
  • Can you supply the methodology referenced in your response that you used to allocate costs at the route level for the 2021/22 financial year
    • Can you confirm that the costs reported include all the sources of operating funding and application of funding contained in the MetLink Funding Impact Statement
    • Did you include capital funding and application? Are wider Met Link/GW O/Hs applied, if not what percentage would you typically use used to recover these? 
  • Can you provide the parameters used in this methodology to allocate costs at the route level for: 
    • The second half of FY21/2 (thus reducing impact of COVID). 
    • The budgeted figures for FY22/23
    • The actual figures for FY22/3 from your management accounts 
  • For the 290 route can you also supply for the Waikanae Station to Otaki SH1 leg of the journey the (a) number of bus trips and (b) passengers trips by fare type, for: 
    • The second half of FY21/2 
    • FY22/3
    • Can you provide this data split by {week day}/{week end or public holiday}, and by the service within that. NB in aggregate across a number of months, so no privacy issues. 
  • Confirm the fare for this leg is 3 zones and the distance for the Waikanae Station to Otaki SH1 leg."

For a copy of the attachment relating to this request please contact

Updated 9 February 2024 at 10:44