Response to LGOIMA request 2024-002 7 February 2024

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Response to LGOIMA request 2024-002 7 February 2024 preview
  • Published Date Wed 07 Feb 2024
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Request for information: 

"I hereby request under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 the release of the following information: 

  1. How many requests for official information (LGOIMA) did the Council receive in the year 2023? 
  2. How many of them were handled within the statutory timeframe of 20 working days? 
  3. Out of all responses to requests for official information in 2023, how many of them were made publicly available (e.g. on your website)? 
  4. How many of all the requests for official information in 2023 were refused on the grounds that these requests were "frivolous or vexatious or that the information requested is trivial" (see Section 17 (h) of Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987)? 
  5. Were the people informed that their requests for information were refused under Section 17 (h) LGOIMA?

To avoid any unnecessary spending of public money, I am satisfied if you answer to the questions above only with numbers and simple yes/no statements. There is no need to release any further documents or explanations. Thank you very much for your efforts."

Updated 5 April 2024 at 13:17