Response to LGOIMA request 2024-017 14 March 2024

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Response to LGOIMA request 2024-017 14 March 2024 preview
  • Published Date Thu 14 Mar 2024
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Request for information: 

"Please supply the following information related to how the bulk water levy is calculated for each of the Long Term Plan periods 2018-2028, 2021-2031 and 2024-2034: 

  1. A schedule of operational and maintenance costs for each of the Long Term Plan periods along with actual costs where that expenditure has already occurred. 
  2. A schedule of capital and renewal costs and work programmes for each of the Long Term Plan periods along with actual costs where that expenditure has already occurred. 
  3. Any management, monitoring, reporting or overhead costs not included in either of the categories mentioned in 1. and 2. above. 
  4. An explanation as to the variance between LTP bulk water charges and actual annual bulk water charges as levied. 
  5. Executive summaries of Asset Management Plans for the GWRC assets used to produce and deliver bulk potable water to Upper Hutt City, Hutt City, Porirua City and Wellington City. 
  6. Anticipated costs to meet the monitoring and reporting requirements of Taumata Arowai. 
  7. A schedule and anticipated costs for any studies undertaken, or planned to be undertaken, in relation to the provision of additional sources of water to service the needs of Upper Hutt City, Hutt City, Porirua City and Wellington City to service growth. 
  8. A schedule and anticipated costs for any studies undertaken, or planned to be undertaken, in relation to water demand management for the communities of Upper Hutt City, Hutt City, Porirua City and Wellington City. 
  9. An explanation as to how all the costs mentioned in items 1. to 7. above are integrated into the bulk water unit charges."

For a copy of the attachments relating to this request please email

Updated 10 April 2024 at 11:21