Response to LGOIMA request 2024-143 18 July 2024
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Requested Information:
“Can I please get answers to the following questions which relate to previous financial years but also what is proposed – or finalised – for the 2024-25 year
What were your council’s actual or expected rate increases for each year from 2017-18 up to and including 2024-25?
What cost cutting measures has your council implemented to soften the scale of the coming year’s rate increase?
What was/is your council’s total budget for each of the following financial years: 2018-19, 2020- 21, 2022-23 and 2024-25?
What percentage of that income in each of those years was/is from general rates, what percentage is from targeted rates and what percentage is from government grants etc?
For those same years, please state the number full time equivalent staff employed by your council.
What percentage/number of your staff earn more the $100,000?
Has your council reduced staff numbers to lower the impact of rate rises? If not, why not?
Please provide data and commentary for each of the 2018-19, 2020-21, 2022-23 and 2024-25 years about which areas of council work have increased the most, by how much, how many extra staff this has required and why this has happened?
What work programmes is your council expecting to increase the most in the coming few years and why?
Does your council expect to recruit more staff for these work programme?
What work programmes does your council expect or intends to cease or reduce in the coming years?
What is your council’s expectation for rate rises beyond 2024-25?
How will your council intend softening the impact of future rate rises?”