LGOIMA request 2024 148 1 August 2024
Search in document libraryRequested Information:
Whether iwi have requested, and if so what has council's response been, for:
s36B joint management arrangements. Have these been requested/discussed? Specifically, from my area - so from the ART confederation and their constituent iwi/hapu? Also, Muaūpoko.
Mana whakahono a rohe - have iwi discussed these with you/made requests to initiate these? Specifically, from my area - so from the ART confederation and their constituent iwi/hapū? Also, Muaūpoko.
The minutes of Ara Tahi and reports considered by Ara Tahi. I can find these, or at least some of them. however, I am hopeful these are all filed neatly in one place, so you might be able to supply them all as a package easily?”
For a copy of the attachment relating to this request please email democratic.services@gw.govt.nz