Pauatahanui Inlet: Effects of Historical Catchment Landcover Changes on Inlet Sedimentation

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  • Published Date Fri 01 Apr 2005
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This document reports on a project reconstructing the
sedimentation history of the Pauatahanui Inlet, relating this
to changes in catchment land cover during the last 150 years.
The report quantifies the changes in average sediment
accumulation rates (SAR) due to large scale deforestation,
quantifies spatial variation in SAR, particle size and heavy
metal profiles between urban and rural subcatchment outlets
and the central mud basin of the inlet, and relates observed
sediment particle size and heavy metal concentation profiles
in the inlet cores to catchment land cover history. It also
provides an assessment of potential future SAR's in the
Pauatahanui Inlet based on 2003 land cover and management
Updated 6 December 2022 at 23:12