Riparian Rehabilitation to Improve Aquatic Environments in the Wellington region: Results from the Riparian Management Pilot Programme Results from the Riparian Management Pilot Programme 2002-07

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Riparian Rehabilitation to Improve Aquatic Environments in the Wellington region: Results from the Riparian Management Pilot Programme Results from the Riparian Management Pilot Programme 2002-07 preview
  • Published Date Wed 02 Jul 2008
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This technical report summarises the results of Greater Wellington
Regional Council's Riparian Management Pilot Programme,
covering the period 2002 - 2007. Monitoring has included regular
assessments of physical habitat, water quality and stream health
along reaches of three streams undergoing riparian rehabilitation:
the Enaki Stream in Carterton, the Kakariki Stream in Kapiti and
the Karori Stream in Wellington City.

Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:06