Regional Outlook: Wellington regional economy 2001 - Region forges ahead...

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  • Published Date Thu 01 Feb 2001

Wellington’s economy continued to forge ahead over 2000, due to:

- Increased tourist numbers
- More telecommunications investment
- Growth in the IT sector
- Some mushrooming niche industries, such as film production

Wellington was hurt by the Kiwi dollar’s dive over 200, because of the
effect of rising prices on the service sector and a lack of offsetting rises in
export sales. However, growth has been only marginally lower than the
national average as a result of ongoing expansion in “new economy”

The expanding industries highlight Wellington’s strength in industries
where state-of-the-art knowledge, innovation, and creativity are important.
In coming years these are expected to remain the drivers of growth in the
regional economy.

This booklet outlines the current state and outlook for the Wellington
regional economy.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:18