Towards A Greater Wellington - Wellington Regional Council Ten Year Plan 2000-2010 : 2002 Update Incorporating the 2002-2003 Annual Plan

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  • Published Date Sun 01 Sept 2002
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In June 2000 the Council published its Long Term Financial
Strategy 2000-2010. This 2002 edition is a further update of the
Council's Long Term Financial Strategy and is also Council's
2002/03 Annual Plan.

In that plan the Council outlined its vision that a Greater
Wellington means:
- A high quality environment
- A prosperous and viable Region
- Healthy people in a safe Region
- A strong and inclusive regional community

In recent months we have been busy considering the extent to
which we now need to fine tune our plans for the period
2002-2010 (the remaining eight years of our 10 year plan), with
particular focus on 2002/03, the Council's next Annual Plan.

The law requires the Council to publish a ten year plan every
three years. We are also required by law to produce an Annual
Plan. Our response, as we prepare our Annual Plan each year,
is to update our Long Term Financial Strategy. In this way we
keep our Long Term Financial Strategy 'refreshed,' making it more
relevant to both the Council and the Regional community.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 10:42