Draft Changes to the Regional Plans for the Wellington Region

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  • Published Date Sat 01 Sept 2001
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How You Can Help?

Changes are being made to the Regional Plans for the Wellington Region. At this stage we are consulting with people about the changes before we begin the statutory plan change process.

We would like to hear what you think. If you don't want to comment but you want to be involved in the steps that follow, then you can let us know so that we can put you on our mailing list.

You can comment on the draft Regional Plan changes by:

Send your written comments to us before 17 November 2001 at the following address:

Murray Mclea
Wellington Regional Council
PO Box 11 646

You can e-mail comments to: murray.mclea@wrc.govt.nz, before 17 November 2001.

Telephone Murray McLea on 04 384 5708 or free phone 0800 496 734 before 17 November 2001. Alternatively, you can call Karen Brewster at the Masterton office on 06 378 2484.

If you want to meet with Murray McLea or Karen Brewster to discuss the draft Regional Plan changes, call them on the telephone numbers given in the previous paragraph. You should call before 7 November 2001 if you want to arrange a meeting.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:30