Annual Coastal Water Quality Report for the Wellington Region 2000-2001

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  • Published Date Sat 01 Sept 2001
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This report summarises the results of the coastal water quality monitoring
undertaken by the Wellington Regional Council and several of the
territorial authorities in the Wellington Region during the period 1 March
2000 to 30 June 2001. The period covered by the report therefore
represents a departure from previous years. The change is made to bring
the reporting year into line with the financial year, thereby enabling more
efficient planning and co-ordination of changes in the monitoring
programmes with budget-setting and contracting procedures.

Results from three monitoring programmes are presented. First: There is
an analysis of the Region's general coastal water quality using baseline
enterococci data collected throughout the March 2000 – June 2001
period by the Wellington Regional Council. Second: There is an analysis
of the suitability of coastal water in designated areas for the recreational
gathering of shellfish for human consumption using faecal coliform data
collected by the Wellington Regional Council. Thirdly: There is an analysis
of the suitability of coastal water in designated areas for contact recreation
during the bathing season using enterococci data collected by four
territorial authorities in the western Wellington Region and the Wellington
Regional Council in the Wairarapa.

Baseline enterococci monitoring identified a number of sites in the Region
with reduced coastal water quality.
The sites were:
-Te Horo Beach at the mouth of the Mangaone Stream
-Waikanae Beach at Tutere Street
-Paraparaumu Beach at MacLean Park
-Paraparaumu Beach at Wharemauku Road
-Taupo Stream mouth
-Porirua Harbour at Te Hiko Street
-Hataitai Beach
-Petone Wharf
-Motuwaireka (Riversdale) Lagoon

To improve Council's ability to deliver the environmental outcomes stated
in the Regional Policy Statement and Regional Coastal Plan a more
holistic and integrated monitoring programme is proposed based on
the "Annapolis Protocol". This is essentially a site classification system
based on bacteriological history and catchment characteristics. The
resulting "suitability for recreation" classes could provide a basis for state
of the environment reporting.

A new monitoring programme targeting the accumulation of hazardous
substances and human pathogens in marine food chains is also
recommended to replace the current recreational shellfish gathering
coastal water quality monitoring programme.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:06