Petone-Seaview Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Strategy 2001-2003

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  • Published Date Sat 01 Sept 2001
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The purpose of the Petone - Seaview Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
Strategy is to provide information on the state of background air quality in
the Petone/Seaview area. The strategy should provide information about
the effects on air quality from the large number of industrial activities in the

Since 1997 the Regional Council has undertaken a series of screening
investigations of air quality and various climatological aspects that
influence air pollution meteorology within the Wellington Region.
Additionally, an emissions inventory of discharges to air has been
completed and reported on. The Council has developed, and is in the
process of implementing an ambient air quality monitoring strategy for
2000-2005 (Wellington Regional Air Quality Monitoring Strategy 2000-
2005, Resource Investigations Technical Publication WRC/RINV-T-
00-20 June 2000).

The strategy focuses on key air quality management issues and the task
of establishing permanent air quality monitoring stations around the
Region. The aim of the strategy is to gather information on general air
quality on which future air quality management decisions will be based
and to check compliance with air quality guidelines.

The Wellington Regional Air Quality Monitoring Strategy 2000-2005 does
not however, include targeted monitoring of emission sources or groups
of sources, such as those that occur in parts of Petone and Seaview. The
Petone/Seaview area is composed largely of light to heavy industrial
activities with a numerous emissions to air and also contains the highest
density of air discharge permits in the Wellington Region.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:42