Inanga Spawning Habitats in the Wellington Region

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  • Published Date Sun 01 Jul 2001
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Between 2 April and 7 April 2001, 21 streams and rivers in the western
part of the Wellington region were surveyed to determine the location of
inanga spawning sites. While neither spawning nor eggs were found, a
number of shoals of inanga close to spawning condition were observed,
and suitable areas for spawning were determined and geo-referenced
with a GPS system. These data were exported into the Wellington
Regional Council’s GIS system.

Three waterways, the Wainuiomata and Otaki Rivers, together with Makara
Stream, already had extensive areas of suitable vegetation for spawning.
The spawning areas of another seven waterways were considered to offer
potential for significant improvement, especially the Kakaho and Porirua
Streams. There were several catchments surveyed which were deemed to
be nsuitable as a habitat for inanga, and these included the Orongorongo
River, and Karori Stream.

A number of management issues are discussed in respect to waterways
in the study area, in particular unrestricted stock grazing along the waters
edge, weeds, and instream structures.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:54