Water Allocation for the Mangatarere Catchment - Part 2

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  • Published Date Sun 01 Feb 2004
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Greater Wellington has prepared a Water Allocation Plan for
the Mangatarere Catchment. The Mangatarere catchment,
northwest of Carterton is an important water resource for the
Region and includes the Mangatarere Stream and its four
tributaries. It provides water for farming activities,
contributes to the Carterton District water supply, is
significant as a trout spawning habitat, and supports a
number of indigenous fish species. It also provides
recreational enjoyment, primarily in the form of fishing. In
addition, it plays an important part in the dilution of the
Carterton District Council sewage discharge.

Studies have revealed that flows in the Mangatarere may be
compromising the life supporting capacity of the catchment
under both natural conditions and when water takes are
being taken. This plan has been prepared to ensure the
careful use of water in the catchment whilst also providing for
the ecology, recreation and other values associated with the
streams in the catchment.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 11:42