Our Water History - On Tap - Water Supply in the Wellington Region 1867-2006

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  • Published Date Mon 03 Sept 2007
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This publication follows the trials and tribulations of Greater
Wellington's water history. Providing water at a cost that the
population can bear has been a challenge ever since
European settlers arrived in our region. This publication
charts our progress from the early days of settlers gathering
water from streams, rooftops and shallow wells and
concludes with the development of modern water treatment
plants and outlines the challenges about our future supply.

The importance of a safe and reliable water supply should
not be underestimated. It is appropriate to remember the
achievements of our predecessors in planning for the long-
term water needs of our region. We need to not only
appreciate what they achieved, but also to build on that
legacy for future generations.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:24