Plan Effectiveness Monitoring Report: Regional Plan for Discharges to Land

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  • Published Date Mon 01 May 2006

Section 35 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA)
requires every local authority to monitor the effectiveness of
the policies, rules and other methods in its policy statement
and plans, and to prepare a report on the results of this
monitoring every five years. Councils must then take
appropriate action when their monitoring indicates that is

Monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of policies, rules
and other methods is an on-going process from plan
implementation to plan review. Such monitoring helps
determine when different actions are required, and whether
the level of policy intervention needs to be changed so that
the objective can be achieved.

This report describes the results of monitoring the
effectiveness of the policies and methods, including rules,
in the Regional Plan for Discharges to Land (the Plan).
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:42