Recreational Water Quality Monitoring Technical Report

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Recreational Water Quality Monitoring Technical Report preview
  • Published Date Wed 01 Jun 2005
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Recreational water quality monitoring is currently undertaken
at 23 freshwater and 76 marine sites across the Wellington
Region. The suitability of marine waters for recreational
shellfish gathering is also monitored at seven locations.

This report presents the results of all routine recreational
water quality monitoring undertaken over the period 1
November to 31 March 2005 inclusive, focusing in
particular on the results of the 2001/2002, 2002/2003,
2003/2004 and 2004/2005 summer bathing seasons.
These results are assessed against the Ministry for the
Environment/Ministry of Health (MfE/MoH 2003)
Microbiological Water Quality Guidelines for Marine and
Fresh Water Recreational Areas. Filamentous algae
cover is also monitored at the fresh water sites and the
results of this monitoring are assessed against the
Ministry for the Environment (MfE 2000) Periphyton
Guidelines for aesthetic and recreational values in
gravel/cobble bed streams.

Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:42