2000 / 2001 Annual Report on the Regional Land Transport Strategy

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  • Published Date Sat 01 Sept 2001
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The 1999-2004 Wellington Regional Land Transport Strategy is based on
state-of-the art technical analysis set in a context of transport legislation
and regional policies.

Section 2 of this report presents a brief background of the RLTS:

-The legislative context of the RLTS
-The regional policy statement
-Impediments to implementing the strategy

Section 3 assesses the state of each of the objectives:

-Accessibility and Economic Development is examined by considering
public transport information, changes in land-use and initiatives being
made for walking and cycling in the region.

Economic Efficiency and Affordability is assessed by looking at money
spent by road users, capital expenditure by transport authorities, progress
made on road pricing investigations, and levels of commuter traffic on the
Strategic Road Network (STN).

-Safety objectives are reported by summarising the Land Transport Safety
Authority’s Wellington Regional Report for 1996-2000.

-Sustainability objectives are assessed using fuel consumption data for
the region.

Section 4 discusses the progress each transport authority has made in
implementing projects identified in the RLTS. Each project is allocated to
the authority that has a main responsibility for implementing them and
each project assessed as to its status. Section 4 also updates progress
on the corridor studies. The Western Corridor Study is complete. Corridor
studies in progress include the Wellington CBD Corridor Study and the
Hutt Corridor Study.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:30