Annual Report on the Regional Land Transport Strategy 2001/2002

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  • Published Date Sun 01 Sept 2002
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Wellington Regional Council recognises that an annual
monitoring report (AMR) that merely meets legal requirements
is of limited value to regional transportation network planners.
This 2001/2 report is, therefore, the first to present extensive
results of monitoring every aspect of the network, in the hope
of setting a New Zealand standard and guiding those who plan
transport infrastructure.

Network performance indicators have been established. These
cover the five objectives in the Wellington Regional Land
Transport Strategy (WRLTS), with two additional categories
reporting trends in demographic and inter-regional travel
variables that drive travel demand.

This AMR contains all information necessary to meet legal
requirements; it also presents indices that encapsulate
performance indicator trends, to give a picture of the entire
regional transportation network.

Section 2 presents the changing demographic variables
driving regional transportation demand.

Section 3 presents changing measures of passenger and
freight transport activity across Wellington regional

Sections 4 to 8 describe regional transportation network
performance in respect of each RLTS objective area:
- accessibility and economic development
- economic efficiency
- affordability
- safety
- sustainability/environment.

Section 9 details progress in implementing RLTS projects
and policies.

Section 10 summarises progress in implementing the
strategy and identifies obstacles.

Section 11 presents conclusions and recommendations.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:48