Hutt Corridor Transport Study - Economic Review
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This economic review forms part of the background to the
work being undertaken for the Hutt Corridor Transport
Study. The intent is to build a current and future economic
and demographic picture of the Hutt Valley as part of the
Wellington Region.This results in a status quo picture of the
region.The status quo is then used as the basis for a number
of scenarios (e.g. that 10,000 foreign language students will
enrol at the NZ International Campus in Upper Hutt). The
transport implications of each scenario are then evaluated.
The objective of the economic review is to:
a) provide a brief economic and demographic outline of the
outlook for the region, plus more focused outline for Upper
Hutt and Hutt Cities. This will be based on a review and
update of the economic and demographic scenario work
completed for both cities
b) identify, in association with the appropriate cities, of up to
5 scenarios for economic and social growth
c) estimate the traffic growth and composition impacts on
the Hutt Network that could result from the various
scenarios together with the likely origins, destinations and
flow paths. This would be developed in conjunction with the
d) consideration, in conjunction with both cities of how
transport may constrain economic and social development
both now and in the future and how severe those
constraints could be
e) estimation of consequential spillover effects on other
areas in the region. This could include such things as
constraints on traffic to and from the Wairarapa