2002/2003 Annual Report on the Regional Land Transport Strategy

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  • Published Date Mon 01 Sept 2003
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The Land Transport Act (1998) requires every regional council to establish
a Regional Land Transport Committee (RLTC). This committee must
prepare a Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS).

The current RLTS was approved in November 1999, fulfilling legal
obligations for the period 1999 to 2004 and setting out objectives, policies
and plans for the 20 years to 2019. The RLTS is a 'living' document. After
submissions and hearings, the Western Corridor Implementation Plan
was adopted as an addition to the RLTS on 4 July 2000.
Other corridor studies such as the Hutt Valley corridor study are in

GWRC, through the development of its 2003/04 Long Term Council
Community Plan (LTCCP), has developed a series of long-term 'Take 10
Targets' relating to transport sustainability.

The targets relate to:
- fuel consumption
- public transport safety
- road congestion
- mode of transport to work
- cycling and walking short trip use.

These targets have been included in this report as a first step towards
integrating LTCCP targets with RLTS targets.

Section 2 presents the changing demographic variables driving regional
land transport demand.

Section 3 presents measures of passenger and freight transport activity
across Wellington regional boundaries.

Sections 4 to 8 describe regional transportation network performance in
respect of each RLTS objective area:
- accessibility and economic development
- economic efficiency
- affordability
- safety
- sustainability/environment.

Section 9 details progress in implementing RLTS projects and policies.

Section 10 summarises progress in implementing the strategy and
identifies obstacles.

Section 11presents conclusions and recommendations.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 10:48