Resource Consent Annual Compliance Report 2001

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  • Published Date Fri 15 Jun 2001
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This report summarises the compliance monitoring
undertaken across the Region during the 2000/2001
financial year.

Compliance Monitoring refers to the monitoring of
granted resource consents to determine whether the
consent holder is undertaking the consented activity in
accordance with their consent conditions. Compliance
monitoring is a combination of compliance inspections
undertaken at the site where the activity is occurring,
and the review of monitoring information provided by the
consent holder. Over the past few years we have increased
our focus on compliance monitoring. Compliance monitoring
is crucial to ensuring the effects of consented activities are

This is the first year a region-wide compliance summary
has been produced. In previous years the Wairarapa and
Environment Divisions have produced separate
Updated 7 December 2022 at 08:42