Stormwater management - Issues and options for the Wellington Region

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  • Published Date Mon 01 Aug 2005

The purpose of this document is to record the findings of two
workshops hosted by Greater Wellington Regional Council
(Greater Wellington) and attended by staff from territorial
authorities and provide a basis for ongoingdiscussions about
future stormwater management. This document can be used
as a basis for preparing a Stormwater Management Action
Plan for the region.

At the workshops, held during 2003 and 2004, participants
identified a range of issues associated with stormwater
management in the Wellington region. The issues have
been sorted into seven main themes, and a range of ways
to address them are suggested. The seven themes are
information needs, infrastructure, council jurisdictions,
stormwater quantity, stormwater quality, effects on aquatic
ecosystems and natural character, and funding.

A Stormwater Management Action Plan can set out specific
actions each organisation is prepared to take. Because of
the inter-relationship between the different stormwater
issues and effects, none of these options will be stand
alone solutions. A range of options implemented in an
integrated way will be required to address stormwater
management issues.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:36