Porirua Harbour Subtidal Sediment Quality Monitoring Results from the November 2008 Survey

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  • Published Date Wed 01 Jul 2009
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This report presents the results of the third survey of sediment
quality and benthic community health at five subtidal sites in the
Porirua Harbour. These sites were sampled November 2008.
Consistent with the results of the 2004 and 2005 surveys,
concentrations of total copper, lead and zinc are above 'early
warning' sediment quality guidelines in the subtidal
sediments of the Onepoto Arm of Porirua Harbour.
Concentrations of the other metals analysed are currently
below guideline levels in the Onepoto Arm, as are the
concentrations of all metals in the subtidal sediments of the
Pauatahanui Arm.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 02:24