Community Monitoring Report: Lead and Arsenic in Air Near Exide Technologies Ltd, Petone (March to June 2009)

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  • Published Date Mon 02 Nov 2009
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Ambient air quality monitoring for lead and arsenic was
undertaken near Exide Technologies Limited's (Exide)
battery recycling plant in Petone, Lower Hutt, from 1
March to 5 July 2009. Total suspended particulate in air
was sampled continuously for 24-hour periods every second
day using a high-volume sampler at two monitoring sites in
the community: a commercial site on Waione Street and a
residential site on Kirkcaldy Street. This study repeats the
monitoring undertaken in 1999. Monitoring undertaken in
2008 was thought not to adequately represent air quality
due to periods of abnormal operation at Exide.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:48