Wellington Regional Council Facing the Future 1997-2007: 1999 Update and 1999/2000 Annual Plan

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The 1999 edition of "Facing the Future" has been prepared in the context
of the Council's long-term financial strategy, "Facing the Future 1997-
2007" and is an update of that document. It is also the Council's 1999/00
annual plan.

"Facing the Future" brings together the Council's policies and planning
documents that the Council has prepared in conjunction with the

This document outlines what the Council plans to do in the eight years
1997-2007; why the Council is going to do it; what it will cost; what the
Council is trying to achieve in the long term; how its achievements will be
measured; assumptions made and challenges facing the Council; and
how the plan has changed from last year.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 07:24