North Wellington Public Transport Study: Stage 1: Issues and Needs Analysis: Summary of Submissions

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  • Published Date Wed 01 Feb 2006
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This report summarises the submissions received as part of the
first stage of consultation on the North Wellington Public
Transport Study.

The first stage of the study seeks to identify the
public transport issues of the community and key stakeholders,
particularly the passenger transport needs of the area. Key
stakeholders including land transport providers, community
groups, schools, affected residents and the general public
were invited to participate in the consultation process.

Notification of the process was undertaken in November 2005
through public notices in local papers, public displays at the
Johnsonville Mall, Johnsonville, Khandallah and Ngaio Libraries,
and a maildrop to over 15,000 households throughout the
study area. In addition a webpage was set up to increase
awareness and provide an ongoing reference point for
interested parties.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:06