Waiwhetu Stream 2009 - Broad and Fine Scale Baseline Monitoring in the Tidal Reaches

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  • Published Date Mon 01 Jun 2009

Please note: This report replaces an earlier version having
discovered an error in the original report.

This report summarises baseline sampling undertaken in the tidal
reaches of the Waiwhetu Stream in January 2009 before extensive
flood control and contaminated sediment remediation work
commences by Greater Wellington Regional Council and Hutt City

A second survey is programmed for January 2011 once the
remedial work has been completed. Sampling methods were
based on the National Estuary Monitoring Protocol and recent
extensions, with the results providing baseline data to compare
future changes against.

Results are also compared to broad and fine scale indicators
of chemical and biological condition to help relate 'estuary'
condition to the key issues of eutrophication, sedimentation,
toxicity and habitat loss.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 00:30