Greater Wellington Regional Council's Proposed 2007/08 Annual Plan - Incorporating a Proposed Amendment to the 2006-16 Ten-Year Plan (LTCCP)

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  • Published Date Thu 01 Mar 2007
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This document contains Greater Wellington Regional
Council's 'Proposed 2007/08 Annual Plan', which also
incorporates a proposed amendment to Section 2.1
of the 'Revenue and Financing Policy' in the '2006-16
Ten Year Plan (LTCCP) on pages 5-8.

The Annual Plan is a requirement of the Local Government
Act 2002 and contains information about Greater
Wellington's key projects for the 2007/08 financial year.
The work programmes in the 'Proposed 2007/08 Annual
Plan' will contribute to the agreed community outcomes
detailed on Page 9.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 01:12