Kaitoke Regional Park History

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  • Published Date Mon 15 Jul 2013
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There is comparatively little evidence regarding the specific use of the
land within the Pakuratahi Block. However, in pre-European times the
Whakataka Pa belonging to the Ngati Ira people was located at Te
Mama just south of the Park's boundaries on a hill overlooking where
the Mangaroa Stream joins the Heretaunga (Hutt) River.' It is also said
that in pre-European times, the Hutt River was navigable as far as
Pakuratahi and that Maori used it frequently to travel up and down by
canoe.2 Furthermore, Maori tracks from Wairarapa into Heretaunga
crossed through the Pakuratahi Flats. The name Kaitoke has been
interpreted as referring to the eating of worms and is said to relate to a
time when Maori from the Maoribank area made camp in the district
during a journey across the Rimutakas but could find nothing to eat
other than worms
Updated 7 December 2022 at 02:30