Lizard monitoring at the Baring Head block, East Harbour Regional Park, Wellington: December 2013 season

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  • Published Date Wed 12 Nov 2014

An investigation of the potential impacts of land management change on the lizard community at the Baring Head block in East Harbour Regional Park was initiated in 2012. Five habitat types within the block were sampled using pitfall traps laid out in a stratified design. This report details the lizard diversity and occupancy recorded during the 2013 summer monitoring season and makes comparisons with the monitoring completed in the summer of 2012. A total of 112 northern grass skinks, 77 Raukawa geckos and 4 copper skinks were recorded in the 2013 season. The habitat with the highest lizard abundance was the river escarpment, while the marine terrace had the lowest estimated lizard occupancy.
Updated 7 December 2022 at 02:18