This report summarises the results of Greater
Wellington Regional Council's air quality
monitoring at two monitoring sites in Masterton
during winter 2012. This investigation found
that PM10 concentrations were higher…
This report presents the findings of fine scale sediment monitoring at two intertidal sites in the Whareama Estuary, a 12km long tidal river estuary on the Wairarapa Coast. This monitoring…
This report presents the findings of macroalgal cover monitoring as a broad scale indicator of nutrient inputs undertaken in the Hutt Estuary in January 2013
This report outlines the merits of the application and analyses the information provided by the applicant under all the appropriate sections of the RMA and the relevant plans.
This document summarises the conditions to resource consent WGN130085 [31970].
This document contains Gary Williams' report on the natural character of the rivers and an assessment of natural character for scheme monitoring.
This document contains Gary Williams' report on the natural character of the rivers and an assessment of natural character for scheme monitoring.
This document contains the report on the natural character of the rivers and an assessment of natural character for scheme monitoring for the Ōtaki River.
This document contains the decisions made under delegated authority on non-notified resource consent applications covering the period of 2 November to 31 December.
This document contains a review of recreation and tourism on the Hutt Rivers.