Requested Information:
“Does the council fund external bodies, such as iwi, to provide policy expertise, cultural expertise, engagement, or similar? If so, how much does it pay per hour for these…
Requested Information:
“I’ve seen a bit of press lately on the Riverlink project, which I think you said Wellington
ratepayers were contributing equally with Lower Hutt ratepayers.
Can you please tell me:
- how…
Finance Risk and Assurance Committee 10 October 2024 Order Paper
Requested Information:
“I wish to make a LGOIMA request on the regional council's plans for graduate roles and internships for the summer of 2024/25, and whether any funding difficulties will affect whether these…
Requested Information:
“Firstly, my partner and I were wondering what the extending arms at the back of the
double decker buses are - they extend to connect to a pole above the…
Confirmed Public minutes of the Regional Transport Committee meeting on Tuesday 23 July 2024