Air quality monitoring during summer and autumn in 2019/2020 found that although measured levels of sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter were higher at the CentrePort monitoring…
The conservation status of the indigenous fish species in the Wellington region has been assessed by an expert panel. Twenty-two indigenous freshwater fish were identified as being present in the…
Opportunities for increasing the extent of threatened forest ecosystems in the Wellington region are detailed in the report. Many of these opportunities exist in areas where restoring forest habitat will…
The 2020 sediment survey of Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) Harbour showed that bottom sediments were very muddy (69-96% mud) at 14 of the 15 subtidal sites sampled. Only southern Evans Bay…
This is a summary of the elected members’ biannual review of their personal interests that may potentially intersect with their responsibilities.
The highly modified rivers and streams that make up drainage networks are often thought to be of little ecological value. This is due to their “unappealing” appearance, the intensively developed…
Infometrics produce an annual economic profile for the region, this covers a range of analysis including employment, productivity and standards of living at a regional level.
2020/21 has been a successful year of planning and partnership for Greater Wellington. We collaborated with our community and mana whenua partners to deliver key services, create a number of…