This document contains an email responding to issues raised in the Hearing regarding safety barriers on the Eastern Bays Shared Path project.
The guide outlines best practice for managing erosion and sediment discharges on large earthworks sites. This updated guideline replaces the 2002 Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for the Wellington Region.
Since 2010, Greater monitoring in Waikanae Estuary to assess trends in the deposition rate, mud content, and oxygenation of intertidal sediments. Monitoring is conducted at tWellington Regional Council has undertaken…
SUBJECT: Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara Committee Workshop Notes – Te Awa Kairangi and water quality issues
WHEN: Monday 1 February 2021, 9.30am-5pm
WHERE: GWRC Council Chambers (100 Cuba St, Wellington)
The sedimentation rate in the Hutt Estuary over the past 10 years shows a trend of deposition, which has increased over the last 5 years. Most recent sediment accrual is…
This document contains the summary of further odour investigations and recommendations in relation to the application for a replacement air discharge consent for WGN190198.
This document contains the reply from the Applicant, focusing on matters raised during the hearing by the Panel, in support of the resource consent application WGN190301.
This document contains the proposed resource consent conditions, along with the tracked changes from the applicant.
This document contains the proposed resource consent conditions.
This document contains the joint statement of evidence of Dr John Fenton Cockrem and Dr Roger Gregory Uys.