The minutes from the fourth Hearing Panel held in relation to the Eastern Bays Shared Path project.
The minutes from the fifth Hearing Panel held in relation to the Eastern Bays Shared Path project.
This document contains the statement of evidence from Shannon Watson, on behalf of GWRC.
This document contains the summary of evidence on behalf of Hutt City Council.
This document contains the Statement of Evidence of Mike Rumble, on behalf of Eastern Bays Little Penguins.
This document contains the Statement of Evidence of Felicity Rashbrooke, on behalf of the East Harbour Environmental Association.
This document contains the Statement of Evidence of Geoff Rashbrooke, on behalf of their self.
This document contains the Statement of Evidence of Dr. Roger Uys, on behalf of Greater Wellington Regional Council.
This document contains the Statement of Evidence of Belinda Moss, on behalf of the Lowry Bay Residents' Association.
SUBJECT: Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara Committee Workshop Notes – Te Awa Kairangi and water quantity issues
WHEN: Thursday 17 December 2020, 9.30am-5pm
WHERE: Wellington Tenths Trust, Petone